
Manganese is a micro mineral. This means it is a dietary mineral that is required in relatively smaller amounts. Micro minerals are associated with enzymes, and enzymes are required for proper body metabolism. Many enzymes require one or more micro minerals to function properly.

Manganese is essential for normal bone formation, as a component of the organic matrix. Though to be an activator of enzyme systems involved in oxidation in phosphorylation, amino acid metabolism, fatty acid synthesis, and cholesterol metabolism. Growth and reproduction are considered to be the only major functions of manganese.

Deficiency symptoms of lack of manganese include poor growth and other related issues, These include lameness, shortening and bowing of legs and enlarged joints. “Knuckling over” in calves as well. Impaired reproduction is another issue. Lack of manganese causes testicular degeneration in males and defective ovulation in females. In poultry, a deficiency symptom is slipping tendons, known as perosis.

Manganese is not toxic in moderate excesses. However, excess calcium and phosphorus decrease manganese absorption.

Manganese is an organic mineral. Good sources of manganese for animals are high-quality mineral mixtures.

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